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23 Апреля 2010. Канал #RadioFunny

[00:00:59] * Rasta^^|Убитый is now known as Rasta^^|убитый
[00:01:28] * Rasta^^|убитый is now known as Rasta^^|Убитый
[00:12:44] * [~Ангел~] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:28:29] * Дух_времени ( has joined
[00:33:42] * [Zloy]Val ( Quit (Quit: Жизнь коротка. Говори быстро)
[00:37:12] * Штурмбанфюрер (~telemag-k@ Quit (Quit: покидание)
[00:41:30] <SkVoReLLInIk> !викторинга
[00:41:42] <SkVoReLLInIk> !викторина
[00:42:01] <SkVoReLLInIk> блиаааадь
[01:12:12] * UA3UTN (UA3UTN@ Quit (Quit: Яубьютогоктосломалмойпробел! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[01:53:23] * PREDATOR (~pIRCuser3@ has joined
[01:55:35] * PREDATOR (~pIRCuser3@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[02:02:20] * RadioFunny-Pop ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:02:29] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:02:51] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:02:51] * LLIaJIyH|спит ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:03:24] * RadioFunny-EuroHit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:03:24] * RadioFunny ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:03:32] * RadioFunny-Exotic ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:15:30] * Дух_времени ( Quit (Quit: ДАВАЙте ВстРЕчАться!ДаВаЙтЕ ОбЩааТЬся!дОВЕрИеМ люДеЙ ДоРОжИть!! Не наДо СтЕсняТЬся!! НЕ НАДО СМУщАтьсЯ!! дАВаЙтЕ дрУг с ДрУгом ДрУжИть)
[02:26:28] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( has joined
[02:34:02] * Ch_DavRin (~newuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:38:29] * RusPrizrak (pIRCuser75@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:12:58] * одинокая_девченка ( has joined
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[03:14:15] * ~Klik~ ( has joined
[03:29:26] <~Klik~> !п красноярск
[03:30:47] <~Klik~> !викторина
[03:32:45] <~Klik~> икота
[03:32:58] <~Klik~> дон
[03:33:16] <~Klik~> постеризация
[03:33:27] <~Klik~> постерезация
[03:33:38] <~Klik~> постиризация
[03:34:23] <~Klik~> голова
[03:34:58] <~Klik~> крейциркуль
[03:35:24] <~Klik~> школа
[03:35:29] <~Klik~> лицей
[03:37:28] <~Klik~> горбань
[03:37:34] <~Klik~> горбыль
[03:37:50] <~Klik~> человеку
[03:37:54] <~Klik~> человек
[03:38:44] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[03:38:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Croll_
[03:40:14] <~Klik~> пакет
[03:41:31] <~Klik~> футбол
[03:41:43] <~Klik~> парк
[03:42:20] <~Klik~> божина
[03:44:23] <~Klik~> !место
[03:44:39] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:52:06] * ~Klik~ ( Quit (Quit: Всё красиво когда у папы ксива,бабки,связи,телки,корпаративы,тачки,вилы,коксы,мальдивы)
[04:01:39] * RadioFunny-EuroHit ( has joined
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[04:01:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o RadioFunny
[04:02:53] * RadioFunny-Pop ( has joined
[04:03:43] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass ( has joined
[04:04:06] * RadioFunny-Exotic ( has joined
[04:49:57] * SkVoReLLInIk (~newuser@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[05:16:35] * LLIaJIyH|спит ( has joined
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[06:05:45] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[06:08:11] * [~Ангел~] ( has joined
[06:16:14] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass
[06:16:14] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-EuroHit
[06:16:14] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Exotic
[06:16:14] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Pop
[06:19:06] * licey54 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:27:32] * SvouBdocky ( has joined
[06:27:38] * SvouBdocky ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[06:38:16] * Guest45334 (Naruto_fan@ has joined
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[06:44:54] * Лямурчик ( has joined
[06:59:01] * licey54 ( has joined
[07:05:11] * Lee_serega ( has joined
[07:06:31] * Guest428472 со всех сторон облапал Лямурчик
[07:07:06] <Лямурчик> Guest428472 хва мну щупоть
[07:07:26] * Guest428472 (~111111111@ Quit (Quit: Если ты нашел на счастье подкову, значит кто-то другой недавно отбросил копыта... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[07:08:56] * pIRCuser87 (~pIRCuser8@ has joined
[07:10:46] <pIRCuser87> !GOLD
[07:10:57] * pIRCuser87 (~pIRCuser8@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[07:16:49] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[07:21:23] * _aLeX_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[07:26:51] * pIRCuser87 (~pIRCuser8@ has joined
[07:27:22] <pIRCuser87> !gold
[07:27:47] * pIRCuser87 незаметно так вытащил буковку у RadioFunny-EuroHit превратив в RadioFunny-EuroHi
[07:29:40] <pIRCuser87> ! gold
[07:31:16] <pIRCuser87> !gold
[07:32:36] * ZuluS_ is now known as ZuluS_|away
[07:43:20] * LLIaJIyH ( Quit (Quit: Алекс-Бир)
[07:45:22] * _Jesus (~newuser@ has joined
[07:46:36] * SeaFox (~Fox@ has joined
[07:48:45] * _aLeX_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: )
[07:56:30] <pIRCuser87> !gold
[08:00:31] * LLIaJIyH ( has joined
[08:04:25] * GreX ( has joined
[08:21:05] * SkVoReLLInIk (~newuser@ has joined
[08:22:01] * pIRCuser87 (~pIRCuser8@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[08:22:11] * РыбыПоютМолча (~111111111@ has joined
[08:22:16] <РыбыПоютМолча> буль буль буль
[08:22:21] <Лямурчик> )))
[08:23:25] * Казявулька ( has joined
[08:23:34] <Лямурчик> :**
[08:24:17] <Казявулька> :****
[08:28:55] <РыбыПоютМолча> ишь
[08:29:31] <Лямурчик> РыбыПоютМолча ишь...
[08:29:50] <РыбыПоютМолча> чо
[08:29:57] <Лямурчик> нечо)
[08:30:01] <РыбыПоютМолча> мышь)
[08:30:21] <РыбыПоютМолча> Лямышьчик)
[08:30:35] <Лямурчик> ну ога
[08:37:10] * IIAPOBOZZZ (~iiapobozz@ has joined
[08:37:31] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !викторина
[08:38:08] <IIAPOBOZZZ> франция
[08:40:02] <IIAPOBOZZZ> соль
[08:40:03] * RadioFunny-Shanson ( has joined
[08:40:21] <IIAPOBOZZZ> половик
[08:40:21] <Казявулька> половик
[08:40:53] <IIAPOBOZZZ> глазок
[08:41:15] * RadioFunny-Club ( has joined
[08:41:28] <IIAPOBOZZZ> мазок
[08:42:04] <IIAPOBOZZZ> этик
[08:42:09] * RadioFunny-Rock ( has joined
[08:42:58] * RadioFunny-Relax ( has joined
[08:43:19] <IIAPOBOZZZ> доктор
[08:43:35] <IIAPOBOZZZ> разряд
[08:43:44] * RadioFunny-90`s ( has joined
[08:44:13] <IIAPOBOZZZ> антрикот
[08:44:41] * RadioFunny-Rap ( has joined
[08:45:22] * RadioFunny-Techno ( has joined
[08:46:01] * IIAPOBOZZZ (~iiapobozz@ Quit (Quit: Когда в товарищах согласье есть, 3,14зды получит кто-то третий. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[08:46:51] * RadioFunny-Trance ( has joined
[08:48:18] * RadioFunny-ElectroHouse ( has joined
[08:49:05] * RadioFunny-Metal ( has joined
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[08:50:06] * __Wild DeviL__ ( has joined
[08:50:51] * RadioFunny-infoBot ( has joined
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-90`s
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[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-ElectroHouse
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Experimental
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-infoBot
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Metal
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Rap
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Relax
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Rock
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Shanson
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Techno
[08:51:01] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Trance
[08:55:45] * time is ticking ( has joined
[08:56:16] * SkVoReLLInIk (~newuser@ Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
[08:57:57] * [Черная_Вдова] (~666@ has joined
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[09:17:00] * ~Klik~ ( has joined
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[09:44:18] * ZuluS_|away (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:45:22] * MAPC ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:45:22] * ~Klik~[ away`ko ] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:45:22] * _Stimul_ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:45:23] * GreX ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:45:23] * LLIaJIyH ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:45:23] * [~Ангел~] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:45:23] * time is ticking ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:45:23] * __Wild DeviL__ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[09:45:23] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:45:23] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:45:23] * Rasta^^|Убитый ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:49:06] * RadioFunny-Shanson ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:06] * RadioFunny-ElectroHouse ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:06] * RadioFunny-Experimental ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:24] * RadioFunny-Trance ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:33] * RadioFunny ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:33] * RadioFunny-Exotic ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:33] * RadioFunny-EuroHit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:33] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:33] * RadioFunny-Pop ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:33] * RadioFunny-Rock ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:33] * RadioFunny-90`s ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[09:49:33] * RadioFunny-infoBot ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:49:51] * RadioFunny-Metal ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:50:18] * RadioFunny-Club ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[09:51:53] * _Stimul_ is now known as Guest45434
[09:51:53] * Guest45434 (~Stimul24@ Quit (Killed ( ()))
[09:51:53] * Guest45432 (Stimuser15@ Quit (Killed ( ()))
[09:52:04] * RadioFunny-EuroHit ( has joined
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[09:54:40] <Kirill> !club
[09:55:04] <Kirill> !club
[09:55:25] <Kirill> !trance
[09:55:38] <Kirill> !club
[09:57:13] <Kirill> !club
[10:00:36] * __Nikitos__ ( has joined
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[10:05:44] * Kirill ( Quit (Quit: )
[10:06:15] * RadioFunny-90`s ( has joined
[10:16:40] * ~Klik~ ( has joined
[10:21:31] * LLIaJIyH ( has joined
[10:21:48] * Vickhan (~1@ has joined
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[10:31:04] * Ch_DavRin (~newuser@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[10:32:38] <Vickhan> Казявулька, ку )
[10:33:44] <Казявулька> привет)
[10:33:48] <Казявулька> отдыхаешь?
[10:33:53] <Vickhan> ага
[10:34:06] <Vickhan> ты чего вчера испугалась?
[10:34:11] <Казявулька> нее))
[10:34:18] <Казявулька> у меня тел сел)
[10:34:23] <Казявулька> какой у тебя номер?
[10:34:53] <Казявулька> или напиши мне
[10:35:23] <Vickhan> смотри аську
[10:35:33] * {Tony} ( has joined
[10:35:47] <Казявулька> и что?
[10:35:48] * ~Klik~ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:35:54] <Казявулька> не вижу
[10:36:33] <Vickhan> ты меня в игнор завела )
[10:36:40] <Казявулька> пипец
[10:36:51] <Казявулька> давай занова
[10:37:10] <Vickhan> нету?
[10:37:16] <Казявулька> неа
[10:37:25] <Vickhan> во чума
[10:37:35] <Казявулька> давай номер уберу из игнора)
[10:37:46] <Казявулька> а тут много кто..не найду тебя
[10:38:12] * San`Qa_- ( has joined
[10:38:25] <Vickhan> блин, вчера же доходили сообщения
[10:38:34] <Казявулька> дай номер
[10:38:38] <Казявулька> че мучаешься
[10:39:05] <Казявулька> ну и все))
[10:46:36] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[10:47:35] * _aLeX_ УшЕл ОтМаЗкА: прижать губы к фильтру
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[10:57:08] * _aLeX_ ВеРнУлСя: оТсУтСтВоВаЛ 9мин. 34сек. (Причина: прижать губы к фильтру)
[10:57:42] * _Пашка_ is now known as _Stimul_
[10:57:42] * ChanServ sets mode: +o _Stimul_
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[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-ElectroHouse
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-EuroHit
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Exotic
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Experimental
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-infoBot
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Metal
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Pop
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Rap
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Relax
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Rock
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Shanson
[10:57:47] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Techno
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[11:00:16] * Витя ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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[11:21:10] * __Wild DeviL__ ( Quit (Quit: not a legal street racing club Krasnoyarsk)
[11:21:43] * одинокая_девченка ( Quit (Quit: я люблю тебя так сильно и уже не могу без тебя,моё сердце бьется так сильно,когда я обнимаю тебя,а когда ты меня целуешь, я на миг забываю обо всем...)
[11:27:02] * Dron_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[11:53:08] * Казявулька ( Quit (Quit: покидание)
[11:54:34] * Rasta^^ is now known as Rasta^^|is dead
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[11:57:22] * [_П4еловод_] ( Quit (Quit: всем пока!!! всем удачи!!!)
[11:58:09] * Rasta^^|is dead is now known as Rasta^^
[11:58:21] * Vickhan (~1@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.35 от yXo ** **)
[12:03:43] * Rasta^^ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * RusPrizrak (pIRCuser75@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * Dron_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * time is ticking ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * [~Ангел~] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * GreX ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * San`Qa_- ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:03:43] * {Tony} ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[13:10:40] <Цукерка> !викторина
[13:11:43] <Цукерка> ожог
[13:12:17] <Цукерка> русский хоккей
[13:12:36] <Цукерка> ундивидъ
[13:14:22] <Цукерка> свист
[13:14:46] <Цукерка> клапан
[13:15:00] <Цукерка> компас
[13:16:36] <Цукерка> глинкО
[13:17:04] <Цукерка> блюз
[13:17:45] <Цукерка> марианна
[13:19:00] <Цукерка> мрак
[13:19:37] <Цукерка> в гималаи
[13:20:04] <Цукерка> абрамов
[13:21:11] <Цукерка> портвейн
[13:21:41] <Цукерка> !next
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[13:30:26] <moonlight> !викторина
[13:30:40] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[13:31:01] <moonlight> инертность
[13:31:48] <moonlight> винчестер
[13:32:05] <moonlight> фаворит
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[13:32:31] * [~Ангел~] ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[13:32:34] <Цукерка> :)
[13:32:54] <Stanidir> (;
[13:33:35] <Stanidir> кандер
[13:33:36] <Stanidir> (%
[13:33:37] <Цукерка> ага, я не знаю
[13:33:41] <Цукерка> киндер
[13:33:51] <Stanidir> Бгг
[13:34:01] <moonlight> интриги
[13:34:24] <Stanidir> атрибуция
[13:34:24] <Stanidir> xD
[13:34:50] <Stanidir> Не, башка сейчас не варит. Лучше займусь модами на Soulstorm
[13:35:01] <Цукерка> ок)
[13:35:28] <moonlight> кактус
[13:36:07] <moonlight> власов
[13:36:31] <moonlight> эскперт
[13:36:43] <moonlight> эскваер
[13:36:50] <Stanidir> эсквайр
[13:36:53] <Stanidir> (;
[13:36:53] <moonlight> точ
[13:37:11] <Цукерка> Stanidir не варит у него)
[13:37:14] <moonlight> футбол
[13:37:31] <moonlight> бессвязность
[13:37:39] <moonlight> безсвязность
[13:37:43] * Stanidir протянул сырок Цукерка
[13:38:01] <Цукерка> Stanidir блин.Как раз ничего не ела)))
[13:38:17] <Stanidir> Цукерка, айяйяй, а ну-ка живо кушать!
[13:38:34] <moonlight> мане
[13:38:34] <Цукерка> марк
[13:38:36] <Цукерка> ))
[13:38:57] <Цукерка> Stanidir я не хочу
[13:38:57] * Phoenix (Phoenix@ has joined
[13:38:59] <Stanidir> Черт, на языке крутится
[13:39:08] <Stanidir> Цукерка, опять аппетита нет?
[13:39:13] * _Slavik_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: )
[13:39:21] <Цукерка> Stanidir неа
[13:39:29] <Stanidir> Она самая!
[13:39:32] <Stanidir> Fuck
[13:39:34] <Цукерка> ))
[13:39:36] <Цукерка> хаха
[13:39:45] <Stanidir> Хз
[13:39:47] * IFBB ( has joined
[13:40:00] <Цукерка> че то сложные вопросы(
[13:40:03] <Цукерка> легче были
[13:40:03] <moonlight> аригон
[13:40:06] <moonlight> арегон
[13:40:10] <Stanidir> арагор
[13:40:10] <Stanidir> (%
[13:40:18] <Цукерка> вахаха
[13:40:28] <moonlight> уран
[13:40:30] <Stanidir> Цукерка, а еще башка не варит.
[13:40:40] <Цукерка> Stanidir у тебя?
[13:40:41] <moonlight> путь
[13:40:41] <Stanidir> путь
[13:40:47] <Stanidir> Цукерка, ага.
[13:40:57] <moonlight> кадриль
[13:40:57] <Цукерка> кадриль
[13:41:17] <moonlight> словообразование
[13:41:30] <Stanidir> склон
[13:41:30] <Цукерка> спуск
[13:41:35] <Цукерка> +\
[13:41:40] <moonlight> омоним
[13:41:42] <Цукерка> аноним
[13:41:50] <Цукерка> амоним
[13:41:55] <moonlight> ппц
[13:41:55] <Stanidir> не
[13:42:05] <Цукерка> оборот
[13:42:12] <Цукерка> хрень
[13:42:14] <licey54> !40
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[13:44:07] <moonlight> !викторина
[13:44:20] <moonlight> коньяк
[13:44:23] <moonlight> упс
[13:44:43] <moonlight> медуха
[13:44:43] * Красавчик ( has left ()
[13:45:17] <Цукерка> папаратник
[13:45:21] <moonlight> :о)
[13:45:21] <Цукерка> папоротник
[13:45:32] <Цукерка> это буква Л
[13:45:34] <Цукерка> пипец
[13:45:39] <moonlight> :о)
[13:45:39] <moonlight> :о)
[13:45:49] * time is ticking ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
[13:46:29] <moonlight> антициклон
[13:46:53] <moonlight> надежды
[13:47:11] <moonlight> дефолт
[13:48:30] <moonlight> элегия
[13:48:49] <moonlight> шацк
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[13:51:47] <Цукерка> !викторина
[13:53:42] <moonlight> клык
[13:54:00] <__Nikitos__> астрология
[13:54:14] <moonlight> парусина
[13:55:20] <moonlight> яйцо
[13:55:40] <moonlight> лука
[13:55:49] <moonlight> есаул
[13:56:02] <moonlight> термообработка
[13:56:14] <moonlight> пробор
[13:57:17] <moonlight> приятельство
[13:57:26] <moonlight> финал
[13:58:22] <moonlight> брус
[13:59:37] <moonlight> перешелест
[13:59:47] <moonlight> наволочка
[13:59:53] <moonlight> накидка
[14:02:09] <moonlight> тротуар
[14:02:20] <moonlight> барин
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[16:50:04] <moonlight> гринго
[16:51:05] <moonlight> автор
[16:51:22] <moonlight> франция
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[17:15:25] * afternoon ( Quit (Quit: Заклинания и молитвы работают только у тех, кто живет лицензионную версию жизни.)
[17:17:04] <moonlight> !викторина
[17:17:30] <moonlight> среднеязыковые
[17:17:40] <moonlight> среднеязычные
[17:17:47] <moonlight> среднеязычный
[17:17:59] <moonlight> китай
[17:19:14] <moonlight> прогресс
[17:19:49] <moonlight> классная
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[17:31:26] * DIXSON (~newuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:31:44] <JCoffe> !trance
[17:33:31] * Лямурчик is now known as Лямурчик|away
[17:33:31] * Лямурчик|away [ОтошЛа] По причине: мыться*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
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[17:46:35] <JCoffe> !club
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[17:56:19] * XakerOk_ ( Quit (Quit: Куда ни плюнь - везде знакомые лица... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬного X10eakera CкАчАй с =))) :)
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[18:04:45] <JCoffe> !techno
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[19:32:09] <Gust231635> буль буль буль
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[19:34:15] * Gust231635 is now known as РыбыПоютМолча
[19:41:29] * time is ticking is now known as MICKY
[19:43:06] * CtacON ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[19:45:25] * Packo (~root@ has joined
[19:46:12] <Packo> ссылка в теме топика не рабочая
[19:47:13] <Packo> http://d-j точка ru/
[19:47:24] <Packo> тоже не плохой вариант
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[19:52:03] * MICKY ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
[19:52:17] * Зайкуля ( Quit (Quit: Существует интересная народная примета, что нельзя смотреться в зеркало, когда ешь - счастье свое проешь. И когда пьешь - пропьешь. А в туалете лучше вообще зеркало не вешать...)
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[20:09:51] * Croll_ /// Учапал. Maza: ЖАРАТЬ \\\
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[20:14:18] * пуся ( Quit (Quit: )
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[20:18:30] * Croll_ /// Причапал: Не было 8мин. 39сек, Maza: ЖАРАТЬ. \\\
[20:23:21] * Sandra ( Quit (Quit: BestIRC 1.0 by [kik] & Lee)
[20:31:25] * КукушОнок ( Quit (Quit: #ostrog-games || = 0,09 руб/мб)
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[20:42:14] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: АХАХАХХА ЙЙЙЙЙЙУУУУУУХХХХХХ :DDDD)
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[20:54:11] * ~_Lady_~ В с е м П р и в е т !
[20:56:51] * Belosnegka (newuser@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[20:56:56] * afternoon ( Quit (Quit: Заклинания и молитвы работают только у тех, кто живет лицензионную версию жизни.)
[20:57:42] * __Wild DeviL__ ( Quit (Quit: not a legal street racing club Krasnoyarsk)
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[21:11:20] <РыбыПоютМолча> буль буль буль
[21:11:38] * [Черная_Вдова] (~666@ Quit (Quit: Я ничего не слышу - я затыкаю уши, я ничего не вижу и МНЕ НИКТО НЕ НУЖЕН!)
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[21:22:14] * ~_Lady_~ В с е м П о к а !
[21:22:16] * ~_Lady_~ ( Quit (Quit: Существует только одна нравственность - это правда, только одна безнравственность - ложь.)
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[23:00:38] * Absurd (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3438)
[23:00:58] <ONiLL> !слушать
[23:01:23] <ONiLL> !Слушать
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[23:14:23] * k_E_N_S_H_I_ подсыпал в чай Витя слабительного, после чего он долго еще играл в артилеристов
[23:14:33] * k_E_N_S_H_I_ перевернул вверх тормашками Витя и превратил в ятиВ
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[23:49:55] * ПаТрИк ( has joined
[23:51:02] <ПаТрИк> Добрый день!
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