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7 Мая 2010. Канал #RadioFunny

[00:14:08] * Dj_4ater is now known as Dj_4ater|гдето здесь
[00:16:50] * Dj_4ater|гдето здесь is now known as Dj_4ater
[00:17:56] * Dj_4ater is now known as Dj_4ater|гдето здесь|гдето зде
[00:21:02] * Dj_4ater|гдето здесь|гдето зде is now known as Dj_4ater|гдето здесь
[00:21:08] * Dj_4ater|гдето здесь is now known as Dj_4ater|гдето здесь|is dead
[00:21:12] * Dj_4ater|гдето здесь|is dead is now known as Dj_4ater|гдето здесь
[00:36:50] * Guest49490 (pIRCuser45@ has joined
[00:38:04] * Guest49490 is now known as boybest
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[00:42:55] * Guest49492 is now known as boybest
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[00:44:44] * Dj_4ater|гдето здесь (~pIRCuser8@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[00:46:07] * Anytka ( has joined
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[00:46:49] * Guest49493 is now known as boybest
[00:47:45] * boybest is now known as ~boybest~
[01:04:11] * ~boybest~ тишина породила флуд
[01:21:20] * ~boybest~ (pIRCuser45@ has left ()
[03:45:06] * Честный_малый|x_x (pIRCuser63@ Quit (Quit: C'est la vie, mais parfois il me semble que la mort vaut mieux)
[04:03:00] * Gangsta_U_N_O ( has joined
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[04:38:29] <~Klik~> !викторина
[04:38:58] <~Klik~> призма
[04:40:09] <~Klik~> конво
[04:40:10] <~Klik~> конвой
[04:43:17] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[04:46:29] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[05:02:04] <~Klik~> !викторина
[05:04:41] <~Klik~> !викторина
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[05:12:07] <~Klik~> !п красноярск
[05:13:37] * Lee_serega ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[05:59:54] * ~Klik~ ( Quit (Quit: ебанулся на отличника О_О)
[06:02:14] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:03:43] * [Zloy]Val ( Quit (Quit: Жизнь коротка. Говори быстро)
[06:06:23] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[06:12:48] * Gangsta_U_N_O ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[07:45:34] <Trix> !40
[07:45:44] * Trix ( Quit (Quit: Самый кульный канал:) #Mup заходите и ставьте в автозаход:))
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[08:02:22] * Rock`n`Rave|is dead ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[08:32:04] * Dron_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[08:37:14] <Trix> !40
[08:42:49] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[08:46:56] * ~Klik~ ( has joined
[08:53:14] <~Klik~> !викторина
[08:56:17] <~Klik~> !викторина
[08:57:28] * Greeny ( has joined
[08:58:15] <Greeny> феномен
[08:58:25] <Greeny> родину
[08:58:28] <Greeny> россию
[08:58:37] <Greeny> противогаз
[08:58:43] <Greeny> хм
[08:58:48] <~Klik~> респератор
[08:59:01] <~Klik~> респиратор
[08:59:30] <Greeny> калмыки
[08:59:55] <Greeny> плектр
[09:01:01] <~Klik~> городостроитель
[09:01:39] <~Klik~> гродостроитель
[09:02:13] <~Klik~> щуп
[09:02:35] <Greeny> шуп
[09:02:36] <Greeny> орт
[09:02:47] <Greeny> судостроение
[09:03:15] <Greeny> мендель
[09:03:26] <Greeny> петри
[09:03:52] <Greeny> пантеон
[09:03:56] <Greeny> !место
[09:04:02] <~Klik~> враг
[09:04:20] <Greeny> хм
[09:04:24] <Greeny> наци
[09:04:42] <Greeny> автюторга
[09:04:46] <Greeny> авюторга
[09:04:58] <Greeny> пистец
[09:05:07] <Greeny> локаут
[09:05:45] <Greeny> артикул
[09:05:57] <Greeny> рулетка
[09:06:13] <Greeny> туз
[09:06:13] <Greeny> XD
[09:06:21] <Greeny> тау
[09:06:48] <Greeny> артемон
[09:07:11] <Greeny> иеромонашество
[09:07:32] <Greeny> колобок
[09:08:35] <Greeny> крекер
[09:08:36] <Greeny> XD
[09:08:50] <Greeny> крикет
[09:10:32] <Greeny> совет
[09:10:46] <Greeny> луна
[09:10:50] <Greeny> хых
[09:10:55] <Greeny> луза
[09:11:08] <Greeny> абзац
[09:11:34] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: АХАХАХХА ЙЙЙЙЙЙУУУУУУХХХХХХ :DDDD)
[09:12:04] <Greeny> амт
[09:12:34] <Greeny> битум
[09:13:00] <Greeny> спикер
[09:13:31] * Greeny ( has left ()
[09:15:27] * Марина (~pIRCuser3@ Quit (Quit: :))
[09:22:33] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ has joined
[09:24:50] * San`Qa~ ( Quit (Quit: Курить "вредно", пить "противно", а умирать здоровым "жалко"!!!!!! Куренье "вред", бухло "отрава", играй в "cS"совет минздрава)
[09:26:37] * Sisyandra (~pIRCuser2@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[09:51:20] * Зайкуля is now known as Зайкуля|упрыгала
[09:59:09] * Dj_4ater (~pIRCuser8@ has joined
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[10:15:06] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[10:19:17] * RadioFunny-Metal ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[10:19:44] * RadioFunny-infoBot ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:19:44] * RadioFunny-90`s ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:20:11] * RadioFunny-Club ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:20:11] * RadioFunny-Pop ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:20:20] * RadioFunny ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:20:29] * RadioFunny-Rock ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:20:29] * RadioFunny-EuroHit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:20:29] * RadioFunny-ElectroHouse ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[11:58:10] * _4ереп_ ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
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[12:44:08] * San`Qa~ ( Quit (Quit: Курить "вредно", пить "противно", а умирать здоровым "жалко"!!!!!! Куренье "вред", бухло "отрава", играй в "cS"совет минздрава)
[12:44:49] * Rock`n`Rave|is dead ( has joined
[12:45:10] * Trix ( Quit (Quit: Самый кульный канал:) #Mup заходите и ставьте в автозаход:))
[12:59:25] * КеПка ( Quit (Quit: DokNet)
[13:04:02] * UA3UTN (UA3UTN@ Quit (Quit: )
[13:06:01] * Казявулька ( Quit (Quit: покидание)
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[13:23:07] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:23:19] * [~Ангел~] ( Quit (Quit: Алекс-Бир)
[13:23:56] * Greeny ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[13:59:21] * Зайкуля|упрыгала ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:07:52] * Greeny ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
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[14:31:18] * [~Ангел~] ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[14:37:03] * I love you baby ( has joined
[14:49:39] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: АХАХАХХА ЙЙЙЙЙЙУУУУУУХХХХХХ :DDDD)
[14:56:19] * Momma_hermosura (~Momma_her@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[14:57:21] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[14:57:56] <Аiko> !викторина
[14:58:14] <Аiko> Инь
[14:58:25] <Аiko> Дан
[14:58:45] <Аiko> Дао
[14:59:13] <Аiko> Тын
[14:59:28] <Аiko> Тынф
[14:59:51] <Аiko> :-)
[15:00:06] <Аiko> Лозе
[15:00:06] <~boybest~> лаза
[15:00:16] <~boybest~> лозг
[15:00:17] <Аiko> Лоза
[15:00:24] <~boybest~> Лиза
[15:00:30] * Greeny ( has joined
[15:00:33] <Аiko> Мш
[15:01:15] <Аiko> Пролет
[15:01:20] <Аiko> :)
[15:02:20] <Аiko> Дата
[15:04:30] * Dark_Princess (~666@ has joined
[15:04:33] <Аiko> Гречиха
[15:05:02] <Аiko> Питон
[15:05:08] * Greeny ( has left ()
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[15:06:08] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[15:12:24] * ~boybest~ (pIRCuser45@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[15:14:02] * Dark_Princess (~666@ Quit (Quit: Я ничего не слышу - я затыкаю уши, я ничего не вижу и МНЕ НИКТО НЕ НУЖЕН!)
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[15:43:42] <Greeny> !викторина
[15:43:53] * the god of a thunder ( has joined
[15:44:32] <the god of a thunder> !вопрос
[15:44:56] <the god of a thunder> сасиски
[15:45:30] * Greeny ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
[15:46:39] * the god of a thunder ( Quit (Quit: Krsk never sleeps ^))
[15:49:05] * Vikkki ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[15:52:19] * Dron_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[15:53:52] * _4epen_ ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
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[16:31:16] * {Tony} ( Quit (Quit: Возможны любые чудеса - надо только уметь верить, надо только уметь слушать...)
[16:32:18] * _FUTBOList_ ( Quit (Quit: ФУТБОЛ - Спорт №1 в мире))
[16:37:23] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Metal
[16:37:23] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Techno
[16:37:23] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Trance
[16:38:19] * Stanidir [ И Его Соседи ][ ПRbIгаЮт под: ][ SALTATIO MORTIS - Salome (feat. Doro Pesh) ][ Общее время: 05:00 ][ Сейчас играет: 00:03 ](320kb/s)+(44khz)[ НеиЗвестНый сТилЬ ] by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
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[16:41:25] * RadioFunny sets mode: +o _Stimul_
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[16:57:08] * I love you baby ( Quit (Quit: Трахался ли АЛАДИН со своей жасмин становится понятно после прочтения его имени задом наперед :-))
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[19:13:58] <Vikkki> Лямурчик кукусики приветосики,чмасики опсики:)))
[19:14:30] * UA3UTN (UA3UTN@ Quit (Quit: Унитаз бегает из угла в угол и бормочет:- Такой друг... такой друг... ТАКОЙ друг... и так в душу насрать… Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[19:14:52] <Лямурчик> Vikkki пиветики зай)
[19:15:12] <Vikkki> Лямурчик ай нанэ нанэ)оп оп
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[20:28:24] * _Katya_ ( Quit (Quit: уЕФШ RightSide ЦЙЧЕФ Й РПВЕЦДБЕФ)
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[20:38:27] <Croll_> /// Лямурчик \\\ Привет :)
[20:38:32] <Лямурчик> Croll_ привет)
[20:38:46] * Vikkki ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
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[21:17:04] <coka1n> эй
[21:17:08] <coka1n> пацаны
[21:17:10] <coka1n> !
[21:17:24] <coka1n> кому труба по дешовке нужна?
[21:26:35] <_Stimul_> htc комуникатор есть?
[21:31:55] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
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[21:46:15] * Croll_ /// Учапал. Maza: Душик:* \\\
[21:46:15] * Croll_ is now known as Croll_`•Away
[21:46:41] <coka1n> есть еще кулер и 2е сетевухи,это все входит в стоимость трубы
[21:59:15] * Croll_`•Away is now known as Croll_
[21:59:15] * Croll_ /// Причапал: Не было 12мин. 59сек, Maza: Душик:*. \\\
[22:08:11] * coka1n ( Quit (Quit: ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ ПОРТАЛ О ФУТБОЛЕ СЕТИ RS
[22:15:50] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
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Query time 0.0408 s