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16 Февраля 2011. Канал #RadioFunny

[02:00:50] * jeeka|2 ( has joined
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[02:40:50] * jeeka|2 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:36:05] * Зайкуля ( has joined
[03:36:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Зайкуля
[05:08:06] * licey54 ( has joined
[05:08:21] * licey54 ( Quit (Quit: уЕФШ RightSide ЦЙЧЕФ Й РПВЕЦДБЕФ)
[08:05:28] * RadioFunny-ElectroHouse ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:38] * RadioFunny-Experimental ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:38] * RadioFunny ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:40] * RadioFunny-Club ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:42] * RadioFunny-Rap ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:46] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:47] * RadioFunny-Pop ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:52] * RadioFunny-90`s ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:05:52] * RadioFunny-Exotic ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[08:16:58] * Казявулька ( has joined
[08:30:35] * RadioFunny-Shanson ( has joined
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[08:34:15] * RadioFunny-Club ( has joined
[08:34:52] * RadioFunny-Rock ( has joined
[08:35:38] * RadioFunny-Relax ( has joined
[08:36:07] * RadioFunny-90`s ( has joined
[08:36:52] * RadioFunny-Exotic ( has joined
[08:37:33] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass ( has joined
[08:38:14] * RadioFunny-Rap ( has joined
[08:38:19] * FalleN ( has joined
[08:38:26] * FalleN ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[08:39:00] * RadioFunny-Techno ( has joined
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[08:41:46] * RadioFunny-ElectroHouse ( has joined
[08:42:48] * RadioFunny-Metal ( has joined
[08:44:21] * RadioFunny-Experimental ( has joined
[08:45:27] * RadioFunny-EuroHit ( has joined
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-90`s
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Club
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-ElectroHouse
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-EuroHit
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Exotic
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Experimental
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-infoBot
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Metal
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Pop
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Rap
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Relax
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Rock
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Shanson
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Techno
[08:45:45] * _Stimul_ sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Trance
[08:45:58] <_Stimul_> !топ
[09:18:30] * jeeka ( has joined
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[10:06:41] * {Tony} ( has joined
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[10:08:41] * licey54 ( Quit (Quit: уЕФШ RightSide ЦЙЧЕФ Й РПВЕЦДБЕФ)
[10:10:55] * Марина (~pIRCuser7@ has joined
[10:32:29] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[11:06:56] * Марина (~pIRCuser7@ Quit (Quit: Все будет охуенно. У кого-то сразу, у кого-то постепенно.)
[11:16:58] * __Nikitos__ ( has joined
[11:50:56] * saLt ( has joined
[12:50:30] * Казявулька ( Quit (Quit: покидание)
[12:50:42] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[12:54:29] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[13:34:37] * jeeka|2 ( has joined
[13:36:36] * jeeka ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:49:30] * КеПка ( has joined
[13:50:17] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:05:37] * Казявулька ( has joined
[14:13:56] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:22:30] * FalleN ( has joined
[14:24:17] * КеПка is now known as КеПка|где-то рядом
[14:31:11] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[14:35:43] * pIRCuser36 (~pIRCuser3@ has joined
[14:35:55] * pIRCuser36 is now known as Deхter
[14:36:12] * Deхter is now known as Dax
[14:36:30] * Dax is now known as Qex
[14:45:17] * КеПка|где-то рядом is now known as КеПка
[14:45:19] * КеПка ( Quit (Quit: "Мобильный БУНКЕР" покупка, обмен б/у на новые телефоны, МР3 плеера, подключения к любому оператору, реонт сотовых. Адрес:ул.Матросова,26.)
[15:07:18] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:17:50] * jeeka ( has joined
[15:19:05] * jeeka|2 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:07:12] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[16:22:55] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ has joined
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[16:46:16] * Twilight ( has joined
[16:59:26] * Марина (~pIRCuser7@ has joined
[16:59:42] * Казявулька ( Quit (Quit: покидание)
[17:02:09] <saLt> !rock
[17:03:12] * Qex (~pIRCuser3@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:11:18] * PaJIa4 ( has joined
[17:16:35] * ]I[uxap_ ( has joined
[17:16:42] <]I[uxap_> !Want
[17:20:01] * Twilight ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[17:41:44] <]I[uxap_> !Want
[17:45:09] * КеПка ( has joined
[17:53:04] * Марина (~pIRCuser7@ Quit (Quit: Все будет охуенно. У кого-то сразу, у кого-то постепенно.)
[17:54:09] * PaJIa4 is now known as IFBB
[18:10:56] * КеПка ( Quit (Quit: "Мобильный БУНКЕР" покупка, обмен б/у на новые телефоны, МР3 плеера, подключения к любому оператору, реонт сотовых. Адрес:ул.Матросова,26.)
[18:12:14] * SeenBot ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[19:03:17] * Матвей (newuser@ has joined
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[19:03:35] * Guest19057 is now known as Qex
[19:12:01] * saLt ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[19:16:08] * Непроницаемый (OE_mIRC@ has joined
[19:16:18] * Непроницаемый (OE_mIRC@ Quit (Quit: mIRC Oskar Edition v1.05
[19:34:14] * FalleN ( Quit (Quit: M! пизды дал!)
[19:38:54] * Казявулька (brooklin@ has joined
[19:46:31] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:52:46] * {Tony} ( Quit (Quit: Забудь все, что ты знал о жизни и просто раскрой глаза...)
[20:08:17] * MAPC ( has joined
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[20:22:02] <pIRCuser91> !викторина
[20:22:31] * ]I[uxap_ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:23:25] <pIRCuser91> армия
[20:23:34] <pIRCuser91> алмаз
[20:24:09] <pIRCuser91> почта
[20:25:17] <pIRCuser91> медвежий
[20:26:35] <pIRCuser91> эвист
[20:27:16] * __Nikitos__ ( has joined
[20:27:48] <pIRCuser91> кожа
[20:28:19] <pIRCuser91> ленивым
[20:28:34] <pIRCuser91> велосипед
[20:29:13] <pIRCuser91> тевтит
[20:29:25] <pIRCuser91> тервит
[20:30:08] <pIRCuser91> отпевание
[20:30:45] <pIRCuser91> утка
[20:32:40] <pIRCuser91> платина
[20:32:51] <pIRCuser91> шрипп
[20:33:02] <pIRCuser91> оспа
[20:34:11] <pIRCuser91> шансен
[20:35:00] * pIRCuser91 ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[20:38:43] * darinaaa (Yer@ has joined
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[20:38:57] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[21:48:09] * Qex (~pIRCuser3@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[21:52:54] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[22:07:43] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: Дорогой дедушка мороз мне сладкого нельзя,так что пришли мне ящик полусладкого!)
[22:24:16] * ]I[uxap_ ( has joined
[22:30:18] * Казявулька (brooklin@ Quit (Quit: покидание)
[23:14:32] * jeeka|2 ( has joined
[23:16:55] * jeeka ( Quit (Ping timeout)
Query time 0.0269 s